Do You Take Blood Sugar Medication?

Exactly What ​ Do If You Have 

"​Blood Sugar Issues"

 ​And The Grid Goes Down​​ 

No matter how bad things get...

​No matter if your pharmacy closes...
​No matter if chaos comes... 

In just ONE HOUR I can give you the secrets to surviving diabetes... if all hell breaks loose and you can't get to a doctor.

​ Being alone in the wilderness without ​your meds can be scary.

Best Part: These Natural and Alternative Therapies Are Inexpensive and Don't Require Dependence on Big Pharma, Big Government, ​Your Herbalist... or Even... Reliable Electricity For That Matter!

Dear Friend,

If you have been diagnosed with blood sugar issues... or... are 1 of the approximately 60 Million Americans who have pre-diabetes (often without knowing it), then this will be one of the most important messages you will ever read (from a health and quality of life point-of-view)!

Here is why:

First of all, a quick disclaimer and explanation...

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. In fact, I have no medical training whatsoever. So this is not "medical" advice and you should always consult a physician before making any important decisions about your health and well-being.

EXPLANATION: As you have probably noticed, I am publishing this book anonymously as...

Sam Adams 

Why am I doing this? The reason is simple really.

I say some very controversial things about Big Ag, Big Pharma, and ​Fake News Purveyors. ​ ​I do that within my First Amendment Rights under The United States Constitution. But honestly... the bad guys can put me under their microscope and make my life miserable in ways that I know (from first-hand experience) and I do not want to deal with.

Having said that, though, I feel this information is so important, I must get it into the hands of everyone who... like me... thought they were doomed to a future with an increased risk of...

  • Overall Poor Health
  • Pain
  • Blindness
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Amputation
  • Early Death

You see, in 2005 I learned that the very same "blood-sugar" ​issue that was ​claiming hundreds of thousands of new victims each month... had its grip on my own life. My physician, a soft-spoken internist with a soothing bedside manner, delivered the news firmly but gently...

"Sam, ​You're Diabetic!"

And he was right, of course. My blood sugar was through the roof, and my body was showing all the classic signs of the cellular and  "oxidative organ damage" that usually accompanies diabetes when it is untreated. By then...

I was exhausted, frequently sick, often hungry and more than 100 pounds overweight.

When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, my physician prescribed a common drug for "managing" blood sugar: Metformin. Sure enough, smaller doses turned into larger doses. Eventually,  one 850 mg tablet per day no longer ​achieved the results to keep me healthy, so he increased the dose to two 850 mg tablets a day.

​Later, it ​went to three 850 mg tablets daily to keep my blood sugar at an acceptable level. Sure enough, those levels remained static and my doctor was finally satisfied.

But as I evaluated my health, I saw that all the basic and underlying causes of my condition remained unchanged.

So I began the process of "relearning" how to eat, and in a few months, I lost almost thirty pounds! Friends complimented me and I felt better.  But to my surprise, I still needed to consume the same amount of Metformin to keep my blood sugar counts at the right level.

Over time I grew accustomed to being diabetic and taking my medicine. And I held my weight steady at about 235 pounds, down from nearly 280 pounds before I was diagnosed.

But I still felt terrible and was disgusted with my energy levels. So, I "doubled down" one more time and rededicated myself to getting control of my health.  I spent even more time learning about the relationship between blood sugar, exercise and food.

This took a lot longer than I thought. But I stayed diligent and kept at it.

​About ​six months later I ​created my own "master blue-print" for a new diet that focused on healthy, natural, sustainable foods and super-foods.  I also created an exercise program that I could use anywhere, anytime, regardless of where I was or what equipment I owed. ​And, as a result of that...

I Dropped Another Forty-Five Pounds And My Doctor Eliminated A Good Chunk Of My Diabetic Medication! ​

As I write this, I've not had any fasting blood sugar alarms go off ​in almost two years! Further I now know how to eat, eat well, and still enjoy food while avoiding those foods that can put my health at risk.

At the same time, I have accumulated a knowledge of how to fine tune my own blood sugar levels when I'm off-grid.

Now, please know this: when I need medical help​ ​beyond these simple things... I always call my doctor. I'm not crazy after all.

That being the case, I've gathered all my research... sat down and wrote a highly focused book to share with others ​who have suffered as I did from this debilitating ​condition and want to or those who foresee the need to get off-the-grid these tips, tricks and techniques. They are nothing short of my own well researched "secrets" to overcoming ​the ​diabetes when you have to get off the grid.

​The book is finished and ​contains a few recent updates  for 2020​. The official title remains...

"Off-The-Grid With Diabetes"

What To Do If You Have Diabetes

And All Hell Breaks Loose

The book is to the point... ​and contains 97 focused and direct access pages... spread over nine chapters. And it comes with a 100% money back guarantee that I'll tell you about in just a minute.

Your Complete Easy-Access

        Guide To ​Overcoming  

"Off-The-Grid" With Diabetes         Situations In Times 

    Of Crisis and ​Emergency

But first, here are the titles of each chapter and a small (very, very small) sample of what you'll discover inside...

CHAPTER 1: What Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

  • 2 simple ways many "issues" can be more easily managed and perhaps even reversed ​... Pages 3-4
  • How excess sugar in your blood ravages your body... Page 4
  • 2 additional types of diabetes (most people have never heard of) that represent a real problem if you have one of them... but... are misdiagnosed with type 1 or 2... Pages 5-6

CHAPTER 2: How Our Western Diet Is Killing Us And What To Do About It

  • Shocking facts about genetically modified foods ... and... just how prevalent they are in our current food supply... Pages 10-11
  • An interesting correlation that may provide a cause and cure for the ravages of Alzheimer's disease... Page 11
  • Why you can't trust your health to Big Pharma, the FDA or the government alone... Pages 11-12
  • How living off-the-grid can help ​eliminates the "too much sugar" threat... Page 14

CHAPTER 3: Dirty Little Secrets Big Pharmaceutical Companies, The American Diabetes Association, Insurance Companies And Mainstream Medicine Don't Want You To Know 

  • Why big pharmaceutical companies and doctors prefer to treat rather than heal you... Pages 18-20
  • Why herbal and natural treatments are routinely suppressed or dismissed... especially in America... Pages 22
  • A dangerous side effect of insulin and oral diabetic medication... Page 23
  • 2 extremely common medications that may actually bring on diabetes... Page 24

CHAPTER 4: How External Events May Threaten Your Health (And Life) Whether You Have Diabetes Or Not

  • The real truth about the fragility of our healthcare system... Page 28
  • 2 keys for long-term survival should all hell break loose... Page 29
  • How Obamacare may lead to increased insurance premiums, increased medical and medicine costs, rationing, long delays... and... lower quality of healthcare services... Page 31

CHAPTER 5: How To Make Food Your Medicine And Literally Eat Your Way To Health

  • Why meat and cheese are actually great ​and the right types to eat... Pages 47- 49
  • 13 foods you should avoid at all costs... Page 55
  • 12  "Super-foods" that must be on your regular consumption list... Pages 51-56

CHAPTER 6: Natural, Off-The-Grid Supplements For Better Control And Better Health

  • 3 natural forms of insulin and a specific type of vitamin that has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity by up to 60%... Page 63
  • A tasteless juice that has been shown to reduce blood sugar and triglycerides in diabetics by 40% in just 6 weeks... Page 64
  • An herb from India that, in clinical trials, showed a 34% decrease in fasting blood sugar levels after just one month... Page 66

CHAPTER 7: The Simple 3-Day-A-Week Exercise Routine That Helped Me Lose Weight And ​Get My Numbers Down

  • Why building muscle is critical... Pages 67-68
  • The best exercise to start with if you are currently inactive... Page 68
  • Exactly what to do on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 of your routine... Pages 67-77

CHAPTER 8: How To Defeat The Common Ailments ​Blood Sugar Issues Present

  • 6 common eye problems diabetics face and ​what you should do to stay safe... 78-79
  • A naturally-occurring sugar that can actually help with heart issues, pain, soreness, stiffness and chronic fatigue... Page 82
  • 6 tips for avoiding foot ulcers.... Pages 88-89

CHAPTER 9: How To Prepare For An Off-The-Grid Lifestyle With Diabetes

  • The first consideration in any survival plan... Page 91
  • Why every survival plan must include a relocation component... Page 92
  • 2 must have publications (you should get now while you can) for dealing with off-the-grid medical treatments... Page 97

Like I said, short and to the point. And there's absolutely no risk because the book comes with...

A 90-Day Risk-Free

100% Money Back Guarantee!

Here's how to claim a copy at a reduced price: The price of the book was originally sold at  $37.00 a few years ago. But is today just...


You can order a copy 100% at my risk. Read it and try out my program and all the amazing tips and natural and alternative therapies as you wish. Then, if you are not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all, send it back--in any condition-- within 90 days and every penny you paid will be returned to you. No hassles. No questions asked, guaranteed!

Fair enough? If so...


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​​Thanks for Reading This Message.


Sam Adams

P.S. WARNING: Like I said previously, the information and opinions I share in this book are highly controversial. That being the case, again, even though I'm fully within my First Amendment Rights, I could be censored at any time and this information may be lost forever. Literally, this might be your one and only chance to get this potentially life-saving information. That being the case, it would probably be in your best interest to order now!

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